A few days ago KG left a comment on a post questioning why the Church is so silent on the matter of the rewrite of humanity and human history that is implicit in the "gay" marriage issue.
Why indeed?
Why arn't the Bishops in New Zealand out there telling the Faithful why this is so wrong?
We are being forced to accept a major cultural revolution, one which goes to the very heart of how we proceed into the future as a culture and one, which I believe will be fatal to our culture - suicidal in fact because it undermines procreation as an essential activity that people need to undertake in order to continue.
And the people driving this change are not people such as myself who have invested in the future by having children as a rule.
They are the Jacida Arderns, Nikki Kayes and so forth, silly school girls in middle aged womens bodies and their fellow travellors.
The Church in New Zealand is dying and it is probably because the Bishops have no spines to stand up to the depredators who have systematically undermined the family and all that is good and wholesome.
The picture is of Metropolitan Hilarion, a Bishop who will speak his mind, here is a speech he gave to the Anglicans at the behest of the Archbishop of Canterbury. In it he pulls no punches and its ripples are still felt two years later. In part
We are also extremely concerned and disappointed by other processes that are manifesting themselves in churches of the Anglican Communion. Some Protestant and Anglican churches have repudiated basic Christian moral values by giving a public blessing to same-sex unions and ordaining homosexuals as priests and bishops. Many Protestant and Anglican communities refuse to preach Christian moral values in secular society and prefer to adjust to worldly standards.
Today, European countries as never before need to reinforce moral education, since its absence leads to dire consequences such as accelerating extremism, a decline in the birth rate, environmental pollution and violence. The principles of moral responsibility and of freedom should be consistently implemented in all spheres of human life – politics, economics, education, science, culture and the mass media.
We should not remain silent and look with indifference at a world that is gradually deteriorating. Rather, we should proclaim Christian morality and teach it openly not only in our churches, but also in public spaces including secular schools, universities and in the arena of the mass media. We do not presume to impose our views on anybody but we wish that our voice be heard by those who want to hear it. Unfortunately, we cannot convert the whole world to God, but we should at least make people think about the meaning of life and the existence of absolute spiritual and moral values. We are obliged to bear witness to the true faith always and everywhere so that at least some may be saved (1 Cor. 9:22).
Why is the Church in New Zealand dying? Because the Bishops are timid, that is why.
Comments are welcome
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