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Tarnation students are too stupid to make up their own minds so we have to protect them from bad ideas
This young lady cares about the world she really really does.
She is pictured earlier this year "raising awareness" about important things that matter to us all - in this case "growing student debt".
Her name is Arena Williams and she is President of the Auckland University Students Association.
Never heard of her 'til today but checking her out I find she is really into this "raising awareness" thing -
Raising awareness is important to her except when it is other people doing the "raising awareness" about things she doesn't want to see awareness raised over.
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Why Nadezhda lives and works in WA
These morons seriously piss me off.
They hate the prospect that we could find and develop real wealth as opposed to their BS wealth off our coasts.
So the usual suspects are going to court to try and prevent oil exploration off our coasts.
And fat cat lawyers will primp and posture before a fat cat judge in a heated court room and the parasites who bought this action will preen before the cameras and their inane sound bites will echo forth on the Six O'clock news.
The people who behind this pantomome are contemptable over indulged do nothings who think money grows on trees, ignorant of the fact that their parasitical lifestyle is only possible because other people are prepared to go out on the ocean and work in all weathers in harsh and dangerous conditions to produce the energy that powers our civilization.
If we have large exploitable oil fields off our coasts it will be our salvation and perhaps our kids will find a future here and not elsewhere.
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3.1 Billion dollars is a lot of eggs to put in one basket
The new Zumwalt class of destroyers looks cool and science fictiony but with price tag that has reduced its number from an original 32 gradually whittled down to three, you have to wonder.
A while weapons long on gee whizzery sometimes work out well they usually don't.
A simple unforeseen fragility could see the whole fleet sunk - dead in the water literally.
Obama's administration clearly sees the future of the US military in terms of teams of technicians rather than one composed of warrioirs.
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Who'd be the Queen
Imagine having to sit through all those charity concerts performed by the same old bunch of tired washed up celebrities like Elton John.
Poor women, what a feat of endurance.
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Problem identified but the wrong solution proposed
Well who can argue with Metiria Turei when she says "Women and children need more support"?
Often they do.
But here is where she comes unglued, the support they need according to her should come from the Government. That would be for all of you who know that the Government is not a fairy godmother with limitless resources - the taxpayer.
The support women and children should be getting is from their husbands and fathers.
And a choice quote from Metiria Turei
For all the modern feminist advances we have made, the solo mum remains the primary target for society's most vitriolic personal attacks - led these days by Paula Bennett who knows only too well how much it hurts, but plunges the knife in anyway.
Doesn't the silly sausage realize that feminism's single biggest achievement has been the undermining of the nuclear family and the demonization of fatherhood.
Which is why their are so many solo mums that the Government needs to take care of.
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What Vladimir Putin gets while John Key, David Cameron et al remain abysmally clueless
A photograph taken in the Kremlin yesterday where large families from all over the Russian Federation gathered to receive their "Parental Glory" awards from President Vladimir Putin.
It is Government policy to encourage large families because, as it was succintly put during the speeches
Without family, without this foundation we cannot be a strong nation, so I wish all parents to educate their children to create families that are strong
The entire developed world is in demographic decline and while we are experimenting with novelties like "gay" marriage, an exercise in futility, the Russian Federation is encouraging, that which it should be - the raising of children as an important and fundamental economic activity.
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