New Zealand has allowed itself to sink into tyranny
We said shit like this would happen.
We went to the ballot box so shit like this wouldn't happen.
But our arrogant ruling class gave us the finger - told us we were little people and they knew what is best for us.
So what am I so hot under the collar about?
These people whose livilihoods have been destroyed, their child taken from them and taken to court for strapping their son.
Their lives ruined
My friends I am of a generation that was routinely strapped and worse by parents, and by teachers.
This nation was built by men who were beaten in school - it was routine, a regular everyday occurrence to beat miscreant boys (and to a lesser extent girls) in schools until about thirty years ago.
Is this country less violent because we have criminalized physical disciplining of children?
The answer is an unequivocable no.
Comments are welcome
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