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What a silly billy
There are misspeaks, gaffes and then there are major gaffes.
This one is a major gaffe and about as clueless as you can possibly get.
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There are misspeaks, gaffes and then there are major gaffes.
This one is a major gaffe and about as clueless as you can possibly get.
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She's not a pariah because she smokes, though that will do it to you in these enlightened times.
No she's a pariah because she's a "racist ranter" a most heinous offence in modern multicultural Britain.
An offence that will see you imprisoned for 7 months.
We cannot have the world thinking that the brave new England created by the elites, in complete disregard to what the voters may have thought, is anything other than a multi culti paradise where everybody is happy and sits around all day singing Kum Ba Ya.
She was, to be fair, obnoxious but the world is full of obnoxious people - they don't usually get imprisoned for it.
And if pulled up for it they usually appeal to the right to free speech.
"Speech is free for me but not for thee" might be the elitist's retort.
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This handsome fellow is Stephen Hill proudly displaying his progeny in an Indian hotel while they await the British Government to issue them with their passports so they can travel to their new home.
Stephen Hill will appear on their passports as Parent 1, whilst Parent 2 will be one Johnathon Busher who is the um er wife partner of the aforementioned parent 1.
The days of kids having a mum and dad vanishing fast, it being discrimatory to have a mum and a dad you see.
So how did Parent 1 and Parent 2 conceive and succour their children before birth, I hear you ask since being astute people of no mean intellegence you have picked up both parent 1 and parent 2 are persons born with the XY chromosome combination whereas according to your 5th form biology teacher it requires a person of XX chromosominality's cooperation with a person of XY chromosominality to conceive a child. And those with XX chromosomes come with a biological structure called a womb, where the growing infant is nurtured until big enough to undertake independant life in this wicked world.
Since wombs are entirely lacking in XY people, XY people who need one for their children have to hire one and while this doesn't come cheap in the developed world there are any number of desparate third world women who will rent their wombs to wealthy westerners so that those westerners can acheive their hearts desire.
Of course the babe to be nurtured in the rented womb needs to be conceived and this occurs in a petri dish. Another exploitable third world woman can be induced by flashing cash at her to part with some of her ova, which after fertilization in petri dish are implanted into the rental womb.
Of course more babes are implanted than are required because this procedure doesn't always work but if more babies start to grow in the rent-a-womb than parent 1 and parent 2 want then some are culled in a procedure called "selective reduction".
And all of this explains why Alex and Amelia Hill are pictured in an Indian hotel with their parent 1, they were manufactured there and are waiting for the British Government to complete the paperwork to give them official existence as two of Britain's newest citizens.
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She looks harmless enough. a granny and a Reverend no less.
But she has been sued by her daughter and son-in-law in a NSW court.
A few years ago she was carrying her infant granddaughter downs stairs and she tripped and fell leaving the poor little girl brain damaged.
A terrible accident for which the court has found her culpable.
Not that that will undo the brain damage alas - so what has been gained by her children taking this course of action?
Who besides the legal profession profits?
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Lindsay Sandiford, a british woman who has just been caught smuggling $1.6 million dollars worth of cocaine into Indonesia.
The potential penalty - facing a firing squad manned with machine gunners.
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"The much-praised middle class … who were behind the protests never threatened Putin with strikes. The reason was simple: The city could happily live with those people striking."
- Dmitri Babich
This photograph illustrates a New Zealand Herald story about anti-Putin protests that took place in Red Square yesterday
And this one was taken last Thursday 24th May in the same place. This is a small part of tens of thousands who assembled on the feast day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. Led by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and the Archbishop of Athens and all Hellas Jerome, they celebrated the the Day of Slavic Written Language and Culture in Moscow.
And whereas the later event may not be of particular interest to Herald readers you might wonder why the former one is of particular significance to the editors of that esteemed paper.
Comments are welcome
Robust debate is interesting, flame wars are not. Play the ball not the man.
Blasphemy, slander and libel will see your comment deleted. Apart from that just about anything goes.
Let's enjoy free speech while we still have it.