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The vipers in our midst

This Dane, of non Danish ethnicity and birth is the man behind a new Danish Law that obliges churches to marry homosexuals.

As a concession to religious liberty a priest can refuse but then the Bishop must then provide one more compliant to perform the ritual.

Western civilization is being destroyed and we can only watch in wonder as it happens.

Meanwhile closer to home TV One informs us: Church 'losing the debate' on gay marriage

This headline is the result of a Closeup debate where this concession was wrung from a Baptist Theologion totally out of his depth in a debate where Alsison Mau was the opposition and given sychophantic treatment to the point where it became obsequious greasiness by Mark Sainsbury.

The Church maybe loosing the debate, though it is barely debating it but as we know the "Gates of Hell will not prevail against it" - no matter how hard TV One tries to convincce us otherwise.

Even if they get their way and get Alison Mau her wedding with her girlfriend it wont be a marriage it will be a grotesque parody of marriage.



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In denial

French president Francois Hollande cuts retirement age


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Of ''extremely high historical, spiritual and cultural significance" - huh?

The ruling elite are quite extraordinary at times.

Today's interesting idea is the transfer to Iwi of some of "Auckland's iconic sites".

That would be 

One Tree Hill, Mt Eden, Mt Wellington and Mt Albert are among 14 volcanic cones set to be returned to an Auckland iwi collective following the most significant Treaty of Waitangi settlement in the city to date

Apparently they are of "extremely high historical, spiritual and cultural significance" to Maori".

That is according to Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Chris Finlayson.

Of course marriage is of extremely high historical, spiritual and cultural significance to most people and certainly to Christians. 

But as we know it is open season on things of extremely high historical, spiritual and cultural significance to Christians.

They exist to be trashed.


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Well now we know their game plan .......

Yes it is very important to have gay marriage and gay adoption our best and brightest have been telling us so for a while.

And they comfort us by telling us there are very few adoptions anyway.


A need for babies to prove a point and a there is a ready source of babies in a marginalized group - the poor underclasses.

A light bulb goes off and we declare parents neglectful and seize their children to assign to those our masters deem worthy to raise them.


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Comics in days of yore

Comic books had an entirely different way of looking at the world before superheroes started "coming out" as they say in these times of enlightenment.

Dear oh dear - the implications of this image if published today would have CNN reporterettes reaching for their smelling salts - just look at all the sacred cows it slays. 


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Why I might be a jerk

I don't think it any of  my business or anybody else's how big a soda you can buy in a fast food joint.

Pointing this out makes me a jerk or so it seems.

I believe that that is a matter best left to the puchaser and retailer to negotiate between themselves - a mechanism that 99.999999999% of the time leaves both of them going away happy.

I don't buy "public health" arguments for intrusive legislation to control or attempt to control peoples behaviour. 

The people that want to tell other people that they shouldn't drink, smoke or eat bacon sandwiches whatever great "sin" that their tiny minds can think up are just bossy prats.

Sooner or later something nasty is gonna get you and for what ever it is that finally nails ya there will be a public health implication one way or another. C'est la vie.



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