Problem identified but the wrong solution proposed

Well who can argue with Metiria Turei when she says "Women and children need more support"?
Often they do.
But here is where she comes unglued, the support they need according to her should come from the Government. That would be for all of you who know that the Government is not a fairy godmother with limitless resources - the taxpayer.
The support women and children should be getting is from their husbands and fathers.
And a choice quote from Metiria Turei
For all the modern feminist advances we have made, the solo mum remains the primary target for society's most vitriolic personal attacks - led these days by Paula Bennett who knows only too well how much it hurts, but plunges the knife in anyway.
Doesn't the silly sausage realize that feminism's single biggest achievement has been the undermining of the nuclear family and the demonization of fatherhood.
Which is why their are so many solo mums that the Government needs to take care of.
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