Why Nadezhda lives and works in WA

These morons seriously piss me off.
They hate the prospect that we could find and develop real wealth as opposed to their BS wealth off our coasts.
So the usual suspects are going to court to try and prevent oil exploration off our coasts.
And fat cat lawyers will primp and posture before a fat cat judge in a heated court room and the parasites who bought this action will preen before the cameras and their inane sound bites will echo forth on the Six O'clock news.
The people who behind this pantomome are contemptable over indulged do nothings who think money grows on trees, ignorant of the fact that their parasitical lifestyle is only possible because other people are prepared to go out on the ocean and work in all weathers in harsh and dangerous conditions to produce the energy that powers our civilization.
If we have large exploitable oil fields off our coasts it will be our salvation and perhaps our kids will find a future here and not elsewhere.
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