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Julia - a "composite" woman whose contraceptives are paid for by someone else

Too funny - this piece of Obama electioneering material that is.

Aimed at women it is beyond satire - Julia is followed from cradle to grave, her every need  taken care of courtesy Barack Obama.

But  she will miss out if (hiss) Mitt Romney gets elected apparently.

The whole thing is reminscent of propaganda from the nomenklatura, a growing class in the Western world alas.

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Tariana Turia's bizarre priorities

How many Maori babies are murdered every year - it is an epidemic, a shame on New Zealand and Maori culture.

And yet what is her focus, she hates cigarettes -now she wants a new law to ban people from smoking in their own cars.

We are being nannied to death how long before there are fines for not washing your hands after going to the toilet, I wonder?

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The good people of Khandallah might regret that they will be watching recycled programs from TV ONE when they tune into TV7 from July  1st rather than fare deemed more appropriate to their decorous drawing rooms.

They may indeed.

But for the vast majority of us, dealing  as we have to with the consequences of mediocre politicians and their posturings do not give a stuff Mr Dunne.

There are more important matters at hand.


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Would quoting from Maccabees be acceptable?

These stories are coming out thick and fast from 21st century Britain now, a new one everyday it seems.

This time it is a Doctor who has lost his job for quoting the Bible and referring to a prayer composed by St Ignatius Loyola.

(O)ne staff member found his emails ‘strange’ and another ‘bizarre and inappropriate’, the Birmingham tribunal heard.

Dr Drew, a Baptist churchgoer of Sutton Coldfield, rose to become clinical director at the hospital. But he was dismissed for ‘gross misconduct and insubordination’ in December 2010 and lost an initial appeal last April.

An internal review of the complaints against him concluded his religious language was inappropriate in a professional setting. 

The English language Bible, particularly the King James version is of course part of England's cultural heritage. Is anuone going to get into trouble for quoting Shakespeare? Perhaps that is coming. But "religious language" was most definetly appropriate in a "professional setting" on the 19th May 1940 when Winston Churchill gave his "Be ye Men of Valour" speech - the finishing flourish

Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar. As the Will of God is in Heaven, even so let it be. (1 Maccabees 3:58–60)

And when he gave it nobody batted an eyelid about his reference to God - nobody at all.

Doctor fired for quoting from the bible and emailing prayer to colleagues loses his job battle

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Once more into the breach, dear friends

"It was right out of Henry V actually, a touch of Barry, in this case, in the night for those soldiers risking their lives over there," - Chris Matthews on Obama's speech to the troops in Afghanistan.

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Clutching at straws

What's with this business about John Bank's hotel bill in Hong Kong?

Why are Labour, supported by the NZ Herald pushing it?

There is nothing illegal here.

There is nothing sinister here, or am I being naive?

There are plenty of things to worry about, like why my kids have better opportunities in other lands - which they have taken.

And much else besides.

But Labour are so devoid of ideas and purpose that all they can worry about is an MP's Christmas holidays, paid for by himself or his wife to be more accurate.

I suppose the Labour base might get a buzz from a sense of indignation they might feel at the cost of Mr Bank's accomodation - something beyond that we mere mortals might afford but it is not as though Labour MPs don't spend well on themselves (or have the taxpayer do the paying  for them) from time to time.

Even if they get John Bank's scalp, which I doubt they will what will it gain them? 


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