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Celebrating Diversity - Not!!!

Young guy's funeral, he was a car freak a.k.a. "boy racer" in the comfy, leafy suburbs where the cultural elite dwell.

And his mates at his interment let out their grief in a way that seemed appropriate to them and the dead boy's family besides.

But the elites in their nice tidy suburbs got wind of this, through the media and so of course the boys who did this being uppity peasants need to be put firmly in their place.

Off to court for them where the elite can put them in their place and try to make sure they stay there.

The ruling elites of this nation are a prissy bunch, make no mistake about it.

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Nadya Suleman, better known as "Octomom" has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

She is famous for giving birth to octuplets of course - she already had six children, all conceived in vitro as were the octuplets.

There is no man in her life so she is the single mother of fourteen.

The whole thing is quite bizarre and good tabloid fodder but for her and her kids it must be a living nightmare.

This whole "reproductive technology" thing gives me the heebies.

It feels very wrong and though it is sold as an aid to infertile couples it seems to be leading to travesties, such as the story above all around.

We see post menopausal women having children, we see wealthy women paying poor ones to carry and give birth to their children and we see same sex couples manufacturing children to create their families.

The Church of course speaks out against it - the only voice of sanity in an insane world.

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Socialist National pandering to wowsers

There is particularly repellent type of personality that hates to see other people enjoying themselves, having any pleasures in life.

And these people are often very vocal and come up with reasons why things they disapprove of should be banned or controlled.

Governments of course love to control things and one good way of controling things is to "send a price signal" which translated means add excise duties to disapproved things to make them more expensive, to deprive the poor of their pleasures and to raise Government revenue at the same time.

Tobacco and Alcohol are in Nationals the firing line at this time.

The Alcohol Reform Bill is before Parliament even as we speak. There is a necessity we are earnestly told to change the heavy drinking culture in New Zealand.

There are elements who drink too much - my friends even during prohibition in the USA there where elements who drank too much.

For me I'm a non drinker, the new rules, regulations and so forth when enacted will not effect me and nor will they acheive a thing. It is all just window dressing to pander to characters like this one.

I have four kids and without exception each one of them made a mess of themselves with alcohol long before the "legal" drinking age. And without exception each one of them learned from the experience, which was not pleasant and didn't do it again - two both now of "legal" drinking age are to all intents and purposes TT. 

Being drunk is uncool.

Being told it is uncool by wowsers and the Government makes it cool because who likes to be hectored by dessicated dreary old farts who think they know best.

Just reading my link makes me want to hit the vodka - something I haven't done in years.


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Who will protect us from those who would protect us from ourselves

This earnest young man is a member of a group called "Medical Students for Global Awareness"

And they or perhaps he are calling for MPs to support National MP Tim Macindoe's Supplementary Order Paper (SOP) to raise the purchase age for alcohol to 20.

Unsurprisingly the headline of the story reads: Students support raising purchase age for alcohol.

But he doesn't speak for students at all, of course, just for Medical Students for Global Awareness, whoever and whatever  they may be.

He tries to appear as reasonable

"We live in a culture that has embraced the unbridled commercialisation of one of the most dangerous drugs available" says Fairweather.

"We don't want prohibition, we don't want alcohol in excess. What we want is a healthy balance of consumerism and protection afforded to NZers by the people who should know best"

And might they be these "people who should know best"?

Politicians, or people like him?

These people are so patronizing as well as ignorant as to what makes people tick. 

And why they think we need to be nannied to death or that nannying will rid the world of its imperfections is a total mystery to me.

People have been drinking alcohol and sometimes getting into strife as a  result  since the stone age and no amount of fiddling with purchase laws is ever going to change that.

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Marie Celeste cars

This is the sort of thing that can only happen when the money people are spending is not their own but other peoples - which is a feature of Government spending.

And what has happened is Miami Dade County in Florida has discovered that it has 298 cars in storage that have never been driven in the five plus years the county has owned them.

An awful lot of them are Toyota Prius Hybrids - which leads to the question, does anybody actually buy a hybrid  with their own money or are the majority of such vehicles bought with from the public purse?

The world turned many times while these cars gather dust and would have continued to do so if there existence had not been exposed in a Spanish Language Newspaper leading red face beaucrats to rush   at least some of them into service.

Source: Hundreds of 5-year-old municipal vehicles found in Miami that were never used

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Zealots after candy now

Somebody has discovered imported American candy in a specialist sweet shop in Auckland that is evocative of cigarettes both in form and packaging.

That someone, who is naturally "appalled", would be one Dr Natalie Walker, an Auckland University "tobacco control researcher".

Tobacco control researcher?

There aren't more pressing issues to worry about than sweets, or depriving smokers of their simple pleasures?

God save us from these prissy people who want to make everybody as boring and dreary as they are.


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