Clutching at straws
What's with this business about John Bank's hotel bill in Hong Kong?
Why are Labour, supported by the NZ Herald pushing it?
There is nothing illegal here.
There is nothing sinister here, or am I being naive?
There are plenty of things to worry about, like why my kids have better opportunities in other lands - which they have taken.
And much else besides.
But Labour are so devoid of ideas and purpose that all they can worry about is an MP's Christmas holidays, paid for by himself or his wife to be more accurate.
I suppose the Labour base might get a buzz from a sense of indignation they might feel at the cost of Mr Bank's accomodation - something beyond that we mere mortals might afford but it is not as though Labour MPs don't spend well on themselves (or have the taxpayer do the paying for them) from time to time.
Even if they get John Bank's scalp, which I doubt they will what will it gain them?
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