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What the Australian Catholic Church didn't say and what it might have said
The Catholic Church in Australia has told women not to be too picky about their future husbands and marry early because there is a drought of eligible men.
A church official told the Herald Sun newspaper there has been a massive decline in the number of available men, with statistics claiming there are just 86,000 Mr Rights for 1.3 million women aged between 25 and 34.
This has set off a Cactus Kate rant. Steeped as she doubless is in the agitprop of 1970s feminism, marriage itself is an outmoded and oppresive institution in her head I suspect.
But these are not the words of the Catholic Church, they are the words of a Melbourne Priest.
And he is not saying is not for women to lower their standards and hook up with some "dropkick" just to acheive marital status which is how CC seems to read it.
What he is saying is if you are a woman and delay marriage for too long you will probably not marry at all and that might seem fine when in the flower of your youth but when you are older perhaps not.
I think marriage is a marker of true adulthood and that it should happen young and that couples should embark upon it not with the concept it is something you can get out of easily but that of a partnership that will develop over a lifetime.
Leftists have successfuly targeted marriage during the course of my lifetime, not because it is oppresive to women as they claim, but because strong families are resistant to Government dependency, and Government dependency is what leftism needs to persist.
They have also thoroughly degraded women and femininity in the process.
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Tightening other peoples belts
Austerity, the prescription for the economic woes of the world.
Although the elites don't admit it, the world is now in the grips of a depression.
Unemployment within the EU is over 10%, it probably is here too.
In places like Spain the unemployment rate for the under thirties is at over 50%.
The USA is little better - despite the spin unemployment there is around the 11% mark.
The elites have squandered and are still squandering the wealth built up by preceding generations.
It is part of a never ending cycle - resources and energy are ploughed into the wrong things, bubbles form, those who accrue wealth and power unto themselves grow greedier and greedier and then the bubbles burst.
And as they burst those who built them and prospered from them protect their own by imposing austerity on other people - the powerless who as ever suffer the consequences.
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Do androids have electric orgasms?
Would you have sex with an android?
Would you pay to have sex with an android?
Can you have sex with an android?
Such questions. well not the later that is assumed to be true, are exercising the minds of Victoria University Academics - Ian Yeoman and Michelle Mars.
They have published a paper: Robots, men and sex tourism in the Journal Futures.
I have no doubt that sex robots are on the horizon and equally I have no doubt that sex with a robot would be a hollow experience - empty.
We worship sexuality, or are told we it is something we should worship,
But the most important thing to our well being are our human relationships - the most important one being that with our spouse, the sexual aspect of which is only a minor thing.
The way our culture emphasises sexual pleasure and almost totally ignores the other aspects of that special relationship is the cause of much unhappiness and the fracturing of the bonds between many human couples.
Can you have sex with a robot?
No - you can only simulate it, that's all. But without the spiritual dimension and humanity it would be a big nothing.
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On why Labour is an ineffective opposition to National
Labour cannot critique National on policy because Natioanl is implementing exactly the same policies that Labour would if they held the treasury benches - that's why.
In reality both parties are just figureheads implenting the policies of an unelected Oligarchy who are our real rulers and who are following a one world big Government agenda.
The elites may wonder why people don't bother with voting but when it comes down to it no matter who gets in they are going to screw you anyway and ignore you when you tell them via the ballot box that they are way out of line cf Sue Bradfords antismacking legislation and the willful ignoring of referendum on it that followed.
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A bad day for ducks
Today is the first day of duck shooting.
All over the land people arose early, grabbed their shotguns and proceeded to the waterways to try their luck and fill their freezers
One who will not be duck hunting today is Garth Gadsby of Ngawi in the Wairapapa.
Ngawi is an isolated community which a few years ago now was subject to a spate of burglaries and vandalism of houses.
The local rallied and "community watched" eventually spotting and giving chase to the non-local culprits
Garth Gadsby was there with his trusty shotgun which he fired at the fleeing miscreants car.
It worked - they stopped and were apprehended by the locals who held them until the police arrived some 30 minutes later
But a dim view was taken of Mr Gadsbys use of his shotgun in the process, his gun license revoked and his firearms seized.
He is now trying to get his firearms license back.
Those of us who are awake realize of course, the real reason why the authorities get so sniffy about citizens protecting themselves and their communities is that they (the authorities) desire the peasntry to be dependent upon them for all things - dependency increases the power of the elites.
And so they seek to disarm and neuter us giving us no choice but turn to them for help when being predated upon by unofficial, unsanctioned predators- leaving us to the tender mercies of the official ones whose interference in our daily lives and business proceeds apace.
We are all just sitting ducks.
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UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples calls for Bradford to be restored to Native English
A Native English woman at home with her son
Well not really - the real headline is: US should return stolen land to Indian tribes, says United Nations.
And the real question never answered is, what defines a person as "indiginous".
People have been moving and displacing and/or assimilitaing other people or being assimilated themselves since the last ice age.
And while the linked story might lead you to believe the Sioux had been in South Dakota forever, they had in fact arrived there less than seventy years before the Indian wars with the "white man" - they themselves having displacied the original tribes of the area within living memory.
Of course a story causing vast amusement in political circles in the USA at the moment is that of Elizabeth Warren, a fair skinned, pale Democratic pollie who appears to have claimed Native American ancestry to obtain a gig at Harvard Law school, using "affirmative action" to her advantage.
And that of course points at the real manifestation of racism - defining people by their ancestry and not who they are.
A leftist pathology - that has done far more harm than good.
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