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John Key - a dog that can be wagged by any tail
Mr Keys pandering to the Maori Party to the detriment of virtually all New Zealanders baring a few Maori pseudo aristocrats has been shameless.
And of course he buckled to the moronic Greens when he allowed the fraud which is ETS to procede. That of course is an outright theft - parasitism on those who produce the real wealth and the tab for which is born disproportionally by the poor.
And now he is pandering to the Homosexual lobby, first with support for faggot marriage and now with his support for faggot adoption
Raising children is an economic activity, perhaps the most important economic activity that society undertakes.
And there is a tried and true method for doing this in marriage - it has worked out well for thousands of years.
But lets put the final nail in the coffin of that venerable institution - which has already been trashed by the so called "enlightened" - just to show how up with the times we are.
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This picture says a lot
Serbia's president-elect Tomislav Nikolic on his first trip abroad mere days after being elected.
And he didn't go to Brussels, nor did he call upon Angela Merkle - and while he may make noises about Serbia eventually being integrated into the EU, he is clearly in no hurry for this to happen as he has laid down a precondition that the gnomes of Brussels will never concede.
The secular multiculti paradise that is the EU is unravelling, its only lasting acheivement being the degradation and debasement of European culture.
He'd do well to keep Serbia well out of that mess.
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Things that matter to our vapid political elites
They want "gays" to be able to adopt children: Political rivals unite on gay adoptions
My kids have gone to Australia because they have a future there, their cousins have also left but that the matters not, we will replace them by creating freak show families using frankenstenian test tube technologies where required to show how "enlightened" we are.
The word "clueless" springs to mind.
These fools are leading us all to perdition.
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What Barack Obama does to Michelle
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There is nothing like robust parliamentary debate
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It's tough being a Hero of the Planet
Christiana Figueres, recipient of a Hero of the Planet award and current Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) looks a little grim.
That is because the Bonn Climate talks which have been going on for the past fortnight have gone nowhere.
It seems as though that while all the participants at the talks agree the planet needs saving, agreement on how to go about this noble enterprise is hard too reach.
A particular sticking point is the $100 Billion dollars + that poorer nations are sure that if transferred to their treasurys from the more well heeled nations will keep the planet safe - while the richer nations from whom it will be transferred are yet to convinced this will work.
So for two weeks various official negotiaters have bantered back and forth and gone around in circles.
Leaving the polar bears to die in their millions
Comments are welcome
Robust debate is interesting, flame wars are not. Play the ball not the man.
Blasphemy, slander and libel will see your comment deleted. Apart from that just about anything goes.
Let's enjoy free speech while we still have it.