She's not a pariah because she smokes, though that will do it to you in these enlightened times.
No she's a pariah because she's a "racist ranter" a most heinous offence in modern multicultural Britain.
An offence that will see you imprisoned for 7 months.
We cannot have the world thinking that the brave new England created by the elites, in complete disregard to what the voters may have thought, is anything other than a multi culti paradise where everybody is happy and sits around all day singing Kum Ba Ya.
She was, to be fair, obnoxious but the world is full of obnoxious people - they don't usually get imprisoned for it.
And if pulled up for it they usually appeal to the right to free speech.
"Speech is free for me but not for thee" might be the elitist's retort.
Comments are welcome
Robust debate is interesting, flame wars are not. Play the ball not the man.
Blasphemy, slander and libel will see your comment deleted. Apart from that just about anything goes.
Let's enjoy free speech while we still have it.