Nadya Suleman, better known as "Octomom" has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
She is famous for giving birth to octuplets of course - she already had six children, all conceived in vitro as were the octuplets.
There is no man in her life so she is the single mother of fourteen.
The whole thing is quite bizarre and good tabloid fodder but for her and her kids it must be a living nightmare.
This whole "reproductive technology" thing gives me the heebies.
It feels very wrong and though it is sold as an aid to infertile couples it seems to be leading to travesties, such as the story above all around.
We see post menopausal women having children, we see wealthy women paying poor ones to carry and give birth to their children and we see same sex couples manufacturing children to create their families.
The Church of course speaks out against it - the only voice of sanity in an insane world.
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