Socialist National pandering to wowsers
There is particularly repellent type of personality that hates to see other people enjoying themselves, having any pleasures in life.
And these people are often very vocal and come up with reasons why things they disapprove of should be banned or controlled.
Governments of course love to control things and one good way of controling things is to "send a price signal" which translated means add excise duties to disapproved things to make them more expensive, to deprive the poor of their pleasures and to raise Government revenue at the same time.
Tobacco and Alcohol are in Nationals the firing line at this time.
The Alcohol Reform Bill is before Parliament even as we speak. There is a necessity we are earnestly told to change the heavy drinking culture in New Zealand.
There are elements who drink too much - my friends even during prohibition in the USA there where elements who drank too much.
For me I'm a non drinker, the new rules, regulations and so forth when enacted will not effect me and nor will they acheive a thing. It is all just window dressing to pander to characters like this one.
I have four kids and without exception each one of them made a mess of themselves with alcohol long before the "legal" drinking age. And without exception each one of them learned from the experience, which was not pleasant and didn't do it again - two both now of "legal" drinking age are to all intents and purposes TT.
Being drunk is uncool.
Being told it is uncool by wowsers and the Government makes it cool because who likes to be hectored by dessicated dreary old farts who think they know best.
Just reading my link makes me want to hit the vodka - something I haven't done in years.
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