
UN special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples calls for Bradford to be restored to Native English


A Native English woman at home with her son

Well not really - the real headline is: US should return stolen land to Indian tribes, says United Nations.

And the real question never answered is, what defines a person as "indiginous". 

People have been moving and displacing and/or assimilitaing other people or being assimilated themselves since the last ice age.

And while the linked story might lead you to believe the Sioux had been in South Dakota forever, they had in fact arrived there less than seventy years before the Indian wars with the "white man" - they themselves having displacied the original tribes of the area within living memory. 

Of course a story causing vast amusement in political circles in the USA at the moment is that of Elizabeth Warren, a fair skinned, pale Democratic pollie who appears to have claimed Native American ancestry to obtain a gig at Harvard Law school, using "affirmative action" to her advantage.

And that of course points at the real manifestation of racism - defining people by their ancestry and not who they are. 

A leftist pathology - that has done far more harm than good.

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