A bad day for ducks
Today is the first day of duck shooting.
All over the land people arose early, grabbed their shotguns and proceeded to the waterways to try their luck and fill their freezers
One who will not be duck hunting today is Garth Gadsby of Ngawi in the Wairapapa.
Ngawi is an isolated community which a few years ago now was subject to a spate of burglaries and vandalism of houses.
The local rallied and "community watched" eventually spotting and giving chase to the non-local culprits
Garth Gadsby was there with his trusty shotgun which he fired at the fleeing miscreants car.
It worked - they stopped and were apprehended by the locals who held them until the police arrived some 30 minutes later
But a dim view was taken of Mr Gadsbys use of his shotgun in the process, his gun license revoked and his firearms seized.
He is now trying to get his firearms license back.
Those of us who are awake realize of course, the real reason why the authorities get so sniffy about citizens protecting themselves and their communities is that they (the authorities) desire the peasntry to be dependent upon them for all things - dependency increases the power of the elites.
And so they seek to disarm and neuter us giving us no choice but turn to them for help when being predated upon by unofficial, unsanctioned predators- leaving us to the tender mercies of the official ones whose interference in our daily lives and business proceeds apace.
We are all just sitting ducks.
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