
John Key - a dog that can be wagged by any tail


Mr Keys pandering to the Maori Party to the detriment of virtually all New Zealanders baring a few Maori pseudo aristocrats has been shameless.

And of course he buckled to the moronic Greens when he allowed the fraud which is ETS to procede. That of course is an outright theft - parasitism on those who produce the real wealth and the tab for which is born disproportionally by the poor.

And now he is pandering to the Homosexual lobby, first with support for faggot marriage and now with his support for faggot adoption

Raising children is an economic activity, perhaps the most important economic activity that society undertakes.

And there is a tried and true method for doing this in marriage - it has worked out well for thousands of years.

 But lets put the final nail in the coffin of that venerable institution - which has already been trashed by the so called "enlightened" - just to show how up with the times we are.

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