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Chart of the day

The pundits have been shaking their heads and tsk tsking at Greek profligacy when it turns out the average Greek works a lot harder than the average German.

Indeed this chart reveals things are not always the way we have been led to believe.

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Bill's rearrangement of the deckchairs

And they can only watch in wonder as the ship goes down

But at least they will be well versed in 21st century urban myths with Maori slant. Myth developed in Wellingtonian office blocks. There is $7.6 million dollars set aside in the budget for this purpose.

Chump change in the scheme of things I suppose.

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Give them bread and circuses

The ruling elite have managed to drag  this one out for years now - this pair of clowns were running about the bush playing kiddie games  with grandious dreams of armed insurrection and revolution or so we are led to believe.

Useful  to our rulers though, who can use them to scare us into further submission of our freedoms. They desire a docile and passive peasantry that they may prey upon them in confidence they wont be overthrown no matter how eggregious their parasitism becomes.

So off to prison for this pair but appeals will be forthcoming providing  further posturing opportunities for various politicians and officials to preen before the cameras.

It is all beyond satire.


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2-4-6-8 we don't want your ........

.... toxic waste.

We do however want cradle to grave social security - which can be paid for, I'm sure, from the magical money tree.

Source (and title): Activists fight Morthland (sic) mining.


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In the weird world of comic books .....

Where people can fly and toss buses like balsa wood gliders a mutant gay is about to wed.

But as every rational adult knows comics are just fantasy and two men can't really get married to each other.


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How tomorrows budget may produce a future epidemic of Parkinson's disease

The anti tobacco zealots have a champion in the Maori party.

And the Maori party tail has wagged the National party dog into a policy of a smoke free New Zealand by 2025.

If this is acheived young New Zealanders will live forever and ever and never ever die, we are led to believe. Tosh of course.

Now something that you have never been told - multiple studies have shown smokers are far less likely to get Parkinsons disease.

It was in the late 1950’s that studies reported a negative association between smoking and Parkinson’s disease. More recently, several epidemiological studies have found a significant negative association between cigarette smoking and PD.

That is, patients who smoke are 50% less likely to have PD when compared to their non-smoker counterparts. This suggests that cigarette smoking may have a “neuroprotective” effect on PD.

For some mysterious as yet unknown reason smoking is protective against developing this ailment. And the protection wears off if smokers forgo their habit.

Should you smoke, probably not a good idea but are  there any real benefits in the Governments obsession with ridding the country of the demon  tobacco. 

Absolutely not - this is all about people in Wellington making other peoples choices for them and filling the Governments coffers in the process.


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