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Boost exports to get economy going, Labour urges

Gee - what an insight. If we export more things we will get more money coming in.

Why has nobody ever thought of this before?

What things should we be exporting Mr Parker?

And how can we produce them without wrecking the planet?

After all you were nominated for the "Environmentist of the year" as I recall for your work on sapping productive enterprises through insane ETS schemes and the like.

The only thing this country is really  good at producing is meaningless bullshit on powerpoint slides and there isn't a big market for that overseas, I'm afraid.

Is it any wonder that Labour is languishing in the polls.

The crying shame about that is that National is nearly as appalling and also a big producer of BS.

Like the so called "zero budget" which implies it is balanced when it wont be and the only increase in Government revenue will come from soaking the poor by adding yet more excise duties to their humble politically incorrect pleasures.  

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Retreat from Kabul

They can spin all they want about "staying the course" by "sticking to an agreed timetable"  but the Americans are coming home with their tail between their legs.

Obama's much vaunted surge in late 2009 has acheived exactly what?

Our troops are coming home too - a year early!

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You shouldn't have said that Dmitri, now you've made them cross

Dmitry Tabachnik, Minister of Education for Ukraine reckons that girls who do post graduate degrees are not as pretty as other Ukrainian women.

What led him to utter his observations out loud I cannot tell you but he did.

And these ladies are not amused.



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Revealed - the key to New Zealand's future prosperity

Give  white  little girls iPods as a learning tool.

They'll learn  more quickly and easily the things they will need to know to function in a complex and fast changing world.

And how learning is fun.

Life should be fun all the time - especially for little white girls.

If work isn't play then you are doing it all wrong.

There is a train coming down the track and it is going to run these little white girls over - because though they might be smart when it comes to producing swish audio visual thing-a-ma-bobs  on their iPods they wont have a clue when it comes  to catching  fish and fundamentally people have to eat - even if it is bad for the planet.


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Maybe Serbs have more sense than Guardian writers credit

The Guardian is sniffy

Serbia's hopes of fast-track integration into Europe suffered a severe setback when President Boris Tadic was voted out of office in a victory for a more nationalist rival in the latest European election to kick out an incumbent.

With most of the vote counted, Tomislav Nikolic, a former strident nationalist, took the presidency from the pro-western Tadic by two to three percentage points.

Could it be that the majority of Serbian voters realized that their best interests will not be served by submitting themselves to become  vassals to the grey men of Brussels.

"Serbia" might have "hopes" for EU memebership but Serbians might not be so sure it is a good idea.

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Boffin double talk

New Zealand Herald: NZ stuck in the days of Muldoon - MFAT adviser 

A pointy head is critical of policy thinking is Wellington and says they are doing it all wrong. Fair enough.

But does he actually say anything that anybody could actually use to improve things - to change matters so that people like my kids would have a future here?

Of course not - he is part of the bullshit industry, about the only growth industry in New Zealand, which of course producing nothing tangible does not get wacked by having to buy carbon credits like real industries do.


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