


Boost exports to get economy going, Labour urges

Gee - what an insight. If we export more things we will get more money coming in.

Why has nobody ever thought of this before?

What things should we be exporting Mr Parker?

And how can we produce them without wrecking the planet?

After all you were nominated for the "Environmentist of the year" as I recall for your work on sapping productive enterprises through insane ETS schemes and the like.

The only thing this country is really  good at producing is meaningless bullshit on powerpoint slides and there isn't a big market for that overseas, I'm afraid.

Is it any wonder that Labour is languishing in the polls.

The crying shame about that is that National is nearly as appalling and also a big producer of BS.

Like the so called "zero budget" which implies it is balanced when it wont be and the only increase in Government revenue will come from soaking the poor by adding yet more excise duties to their humble politically incorrect pleasures.  

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