
I'll wave my magic wand and your wishes shall be granted


The Future We Want consulted 52 New Zealanders aged between 14 and 26 in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, gauging their views in the leadup to the Rio+20 Earth Summit.

52 urban young New Zealanders huh. 

They speak for all our young when they tell "The Future we want"  when they  

Rejected the notion of the "quarter-acre pavlova paradise".

New Zealand faces a raft of environmental, social and cultural issues, which are often ignored by policy makers, including excessive use of water (domestically and commercially) and the need to improve energy efficiency.

Felt let down by their representatives and said their right to contribute to conversations about the future of New Zealand was not being upheld.

Put a high value on shared commons such as public spaces, oceans and waterways and believed they should be sustained for future generations.

Thought trade should be "fair not free", with producers paid fairly for their work. Green and sustainable options must be made more affordable, more available and more acceptable.

Believed cities should be designed around people, not machines – cited the importance of reducing car usage, facilitating more effective public consultation with young people to design future cities, and encouraging more eco-friendly design.

Which is all very laudable and lovely I'm sure but for most young New Zealanders finding a way of earning a living in a declining economy is what fills their heads. 

Either that or what to wear to the school ball next Saturday night.

Source: A quest to change the world

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