
So John key is "evolving"


Hard on the heels of President Obama's announcement that he has evolved to the position of supporting gay "marriage" the Herald puts our Prime Minister on the spot.

And he as ever cognisant of the fact that he must conform to the mores of the urban elites as much as possible resiles from his previous position claiming his vote against "Civil Unions" was because "demand from his electorate rather than his own views".

As was entirely predictable at the time of the "civil unions" legislation "civil unions" would morph into marriages and this process is well underway now.

All it will take is a private members bill and the deed will be done. 

And those who stand in the way will be cast as "bigoted homophobes" thus bullying as many as possible into quiet acquiesence.

Meanwhile in the harsh world of the underclasses fatherless kids will continue go to bed hungry, their ranks being swelled by the continued breakdown of the family - urged on by the elites who don't give a damn. 

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