
The wonders of modern life


We live in a time and place where our children are the most well nourished of any that have ever lived.

They are for the most part the healthiest generation that has ever lived.

And the actuaries tell us that of those currently under 15 half will live to attain 100 years.

Only time will tell if they are right.

But that doesn't stop pointy heads from wringing their hands and claiming: Kids obese and short of nutrients.

Obesity my friends is far more commonly found among poor children than the better off and this is an upending of the entire experience of prior generations - it is in short a symptom of our accomplishments in feeding all.

Still the middle classes may take note of the hand wringers worries and obsess perhaps about what their children are eating whilst it will all go over the heads of the poor who will continue feed their children what they can afford to feed their children.

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