The life cycle of the human being
We live our lives divorced from nature and divorced from reality.
In particular more and more we try and delay adulthood, forgetting that our time runs out and we eventually die.
Today the SST has a story about IVF and a poster child couple who are expecting their second child via this route. The woman in this story is 45 years old!
We are told of her struggles to concieve for many years until she finally "succeeded" in her forties with a donor egg obtained in California where the rules surrounding this are more relaxed than they are here.
Why this woman is infertile we do not know but reading between the lines she did not try to conceive until she was over thirty.
Reality women and men have their years of peak fertility in their late teens and early twenties, ages we still consider more or less to be childhood.
And in these enlightened times of sexual freedom in those years both men and women indulge in behaviours that put their future fertility at risk - STIs carry that potential, as is well known.
As does abortion, of course - and quite possibly the use of hormonal contraceptives besides.
Of course in an age of entitlement the consequences of poor choices are something the Government should take care of for you - and that is the underlying purpose of this story, relaxation of the rules surrounding egg donation and perhaps more taxpayers money channeled into "reproductive technology".
So having delayed starting a family until an age when in days of yore people were looking forward to the arrival of their first grandchildren, the narrative becomes one of victimhood and unfairness which we look to the Governent to address.
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