
Clueless in Christchurch


Same old, same old.

The city council wants to halt the demolition of the Cathedral and to continue to go around and around in circles over its future.

They care about the heritage of the building - with attached ye old gift shoppe? But do they care about Anglican heritage?

Not the stones but the faith - I wonder.

Cathedrals can be rebuilt, it takes the faithful to do it.

It has been done before and may well be done again.

But the motivation and money has to come from the people who worship therin.

Chatterers and posturers can chatter and posture from now to eternity but without the energy and will of the Faithful nothing will happen.

And if by happenstance the money is raised  from  the ratepayers of Christchurch and the taxpayers of New Zealand  by political compulsion  all that will arise is a pile of stones. 

Which might look pretty but would be hollow in the extreme.

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