
Young woman?

The lead story on the New Zealand Herald's site: Underwriter's deadly meth overdose.

A "young" woman found dead in her home after a methamphetamine overdose.

"The inquiries also established that Ms McMillan appeared to be a happy, healthy, young woman who was well admired and respected,'' the findings said.

This "young woman" was in fact 39 years old.

Thoughout the course of human history a large number of women who had had children were grandmothers by her age, including one of mine who would have been had she lived that long.

Even hundred years ago this young woman would have been old.

And yet on reading the story, despite having a successful career in the insurance industry, this woman had yet to embark on adult life - she was still an adolescent to all intents and purposes.

Now here is  the rub for us all - delayed adolencense and the failure to raise children to follow on from us as a result is robbing us all of our future.

What is happening in Europe right now - the collapse of the Greek economy, with other nations not far behind, is not the result of profligate Government spending as we are being told.

Greek public spending per capita is much lower than that of many nations, including that of the United States.

No - it is the result of a declining and aging population, something that is happening across the Western World and which has been swept under the carpet in richer nations by immigration.

Time runs out for us all and it is running out for our civilization because the last two generations have failed to grow up and take on adult responsibilities and raise families.

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