Boffins spewing malodorous methane
The great study industry continues on its merry way, the main consumers of which are politicians, lobby groups and bureacrats.
And the great funders of which are the humble taxpayer.
Speaking of studies did you see the Pentagon commissioned a study of studies.
And the Government Accounting Office issued a Study of the Pentagon's "Study of Studies" and found it "lacking".
To the matter at hand, today's study is one that has concluded "cutting back on meat and dairy produce in favour of vegetables could significantly affect greenhouse gases linked to climate change".
Many years ago now I became trapped in an elevator. One of my companions in my involuntary confinement was a nervous vegetarian with very active viscera.
And extremely smelly GHG's were being emitted.
And this is what the boffins behind this particular study have failed to take into account - if we ditch T-Bones and milk for kidney beans and soy, our personal emissions of GHGs will surely rise.
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