
Obama comes out in favour of unnatural Marriage


Over the past few days political junkies have been fizzing over the way President Obama has been backed into a corner by members of his administration coming out in favour of un natural marriage and what Obama would do to finesse his position with this issue.

Well he has bitten the bullet and come out in support of un natural unions. 

This is something the intellectual elites favour of course, proveng how dumb they really are.

The peasantry understand that marriage is about conceiving a raising chiildren and not about tacky, kitsch ceremonies where two whatevers pledge their "lifelong" allegiance to each other. 

Lifelong is in quotes of course since thanks to the depredations of the culture shapers, "lifelong" today no longer means "'til death do us part". 

Gay "marriage" is a grotesque parody of marriage and not about "rights" as its backers claim but actually about fragmenting society by undermining and weakening families making it easier for our masters to rule over us.

It is a concept spawned in hell by the devil himself, the Prince of Lies. 


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