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Using the military to advance "social" agendas and forgetting what it is really for
Yay - the US military is going to get into this hedonistic "gay" pride parade thingy.
The pentagon is on the job.
This is destructive in more ways than one.
But then I suspect that is the Obama administrations real agenda, force changes on the military that will weaken it and its fighting abilities.
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Gerry Brownlee's "let them eat cake" moment
Christchurch has enough housing - Brownlee
Yeah right!
I know of people living in garages and others still in limbo as to the future of their homes.
And I also recall before last winter the trumpet sounds of relocatable houses of cheap but serviceable design that would be provided so that people didn't have to spend the winter, the one before the current one living in garages and caravans - as people are still this winter.
It would seem those cheap relocatable houses were just window dressing, a "we are doing things gesture" but something with no real substance behind it. Or am I wrong?
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Something to do in Palmerston North when you have nothing else better to do
Participating in a sex survey from a sex toy distributer can while away a dreary Palmerston North wet afternoon.
The results of which will be lovingly and unquestionly repeated by the media who will inform us that "Kiwis rate themselves in the sack" and that it is normal for people to um er like rabbits.
Why Palmerston North in the title?
Because going to the source of the repeated news story we find Palmerston North along with Tauranga, Gisborne, and Whanganui complete with politically correct "h" are the sex capitals of New Zealand.
Sex is what people are doing in those towns when they aren't filling out questionaires for surveys put out by sex toy distributors.
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CoE wakes up to the threat that gay "marriage" poses
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The deceits of secular liberals
How long do you think the image of Christ shown on the left would last hanging in the lobby of a public school in California?
Not long I'd suggest - any hint of religion in public sparks outrage and court cases if abject surrender is not immediately forthcoming.
But you can post an image of Jesus in a public school in California provided it takes the form of a recruiting poster for crusaders with Jesus inviting them to come to Jerusalem to kill infidels.
Oh my.
Those that use the crusades to bash Christianity always omit the sack of Constantinople by the Latin crusaders, a Christian city, which is one of the great historical tragedies and one that still has resonance today for Eastern Christians
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The divine right of Government to extort
This crop is perfectly legal to grow and according to the Government is worth millions of dollars.
Millions of dollars, yes, but not for the grower, nor for the distributor but rather for the Government, for whom it is a real cash cow.
But grow it without giving them their cut is an offense.
Of course the more rapacious the Government becomes the more worthwhile it becomes to bypass their collection racket.
Expect to see more of this as Government greed increases as their greed exceeds that of most mafia dons.
Comments are welcome
Robust debate is interesting, flame wars are not. Play the ball not the man.
Blasphemy, slander and libel will see your comment deleted. Apart from that just about anything goes.
Let's enjoy free speech while we still have it.