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When all you've got is a hammer everything looks like a nail
I sometimes think that our masters look upon the people of this country not as citizens but in a manner analogous to how a dairy farmer looks upon his herd.
Some "welfare working committee" in Wellington has come up with the brainwave that beneficiaries should be "required" to immunize their children as a condition of their benefit.
Beneficiaries of course being disadvantaged are the easiest group for bossy britches politicians and bureacrats to push around.
It is axiomatic, of course, that immunization is a good thing. Paula Bennett in the Herald story uses the term "social obligation".
Me I have my doubts, instinctively I recoil at people being forced to do anything to meet a "social obligation" as defined by someone else. "Social obligations" such as not walking down the street naked should defined by common consent and custom - not by ivory tower bureacrats and politicians - who have taken it upon themselves to impose their visions of utopia upon us, whether we like it or not.
But back to immunization - there are cases for it, smallpox and polio, perhaps being examples.
But we vaccinate for anything and everything these days, it is a cash cow for the drug companies. The money to pay for it coming from "stretched public health budgets".
And in most cases the risks from doing this outway the benefits (which in some cases are perhaps non existant I'd posit).
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Concentration camps?
Is this mischevous journalism or does it reflect the actual thinking of our Government and of Judith Collins?
Dangerous child sex offenders are to be caged indefinitely in purpose-built pens behind the wire, after Cabinet gave the green light to new public protection orders.
This to me is evocative of you know what.
And makes me queasy.
Not that I think dangerous predators should be wandering the streets, au contraire, I don't.
What I don't understand is why our current sentence of "preventative dentention" doesn't work to keep these types of people contained as it is supposed to do.
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So John key is "evolving"
Hard on the heels of President Obama's announcement that he has evolved to the position of supporting gay "marriage" the Herald puts our Prime Minister on the spot.
And he as ever cognisant of the fact that he must conform to the mores of the urban elites as much as possible resiles from his previous position claiming his vote against "Civil Unions" was because "demand from his electorate rather than his own views".
As was entirely predictable at the time of the "civil unions" legislation "civil unions" would morph into marriages and this process is well underway now.
All it will take is a private members bill and the deed will be done.
And those who stand in the way will be cast as "bigoted homophobes" thus bullying as many as possible into quiet acquiesence.
Meanwhile in the harsh world of the underclasses fatherless kids will continue go to bed hungry, their ranks being swelled by the continued breakdown of the family - urged on by the elites who don't give a damn.
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Wellington's khrushchevka
A government built mass housing project, an architectural design without merit, without a single redeeming feature that I can see. Socialist architecture at its worst.
Actually it is perhaps grimer than khrushchevki, for which there was an excuse - they were built because of the devastation wrought by WW2 and the resulting housing shortages which lasted for decades.
This was, I put it to you, was an instant slum.
Anyway its residents have to move - it is now held to be unsafe to live in though structurally sound.
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Monuments to man's stupidity
Dunedin's 200 million dollar white elephant.
And the ratepayers who opposed it from the start are going to have to pay for it - naturally. And as they knew they would have to all along.
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The worm has turned.....
The "global warming" thing has just about run its course - the dire predictions made by the IPCC in the late nineties and early two thousands - er well haven't come to pass.
And you can finesse around failures of prediction for so long, or attempt to sweep them under the rug.
But climategate and so forth has just led people to the position of scoffing.
Not that this has stopped the politicians raising taxes and intrducing carbon trading schemes to halt "runaway climate change" - oh no there was never a new tax that politicians didn't like.
Anyway this story about an impending coldening due to changes in the SUN is the first exhibit in that the media has seen through the BS.
That solar variation might be responsible for earthly climate variation was heresy not so long ago.
It is now entering the relms of mainstream thought.
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Let's enjoy free speech while we still have it.